During the prevention activities, which lasted for a month, the cyber-police department in Ukraine suspended the activity of over 30 pirate websites with infringing movies. For infringement of copyright, 19 criminal cases were initiated.
Among other things, a case of a resident who recorded film premieres in cinemas and sold these films for distribution on pirated internet portals went to court. The accused faces up to two years imprisonment.
The next case were two citizens involved in the creation of many pirate sites. Each day, their portals were visited by over 100,000. internauts and ad revenues reached the amount of $2,000 a month.
In the Lviv region, 13 portals created by a local resident were stopped. His basic income was to develop the activities of these portals in order to place paid advertisements on them. In the territories of Donetsk, Chernivtsi and Mikolajsk oblasts, cyber-police employees documented the activities of people who installed and set up equipment for illegal retransmission of thousands of television channels, including those banned in Ukraine by the media regulator. (ns)
Source: https://nt.interia.pl/internet/news-ukrainska-cyberpolicja-zamknela-ponad-30-stron,nId,2995467